Congratulations and heartfelt gratitude to our ‘Elementals and Nature Spirits’ class of 2019. What a magical couple of days we had learning with Jewels and connecting with the nature spirits and ancient, majestic oak tree spirits at the Convent! To be held by this beautiful Queen Oak while making and […]

After dowsing the line of geopathic stress through my new office space, I found that I needed to carry out some earth acupuncture before moving in. By using earth acupuncture, the geopathic stress will go through a therapeutic cycle and the sha stream (unhealthy) will be transformed to a sheng stream […]

‘Any energy phenomenon in the landscape is never bad in itself, but should always be looked at within its network of relationships’ – Marko Pogačnik When working to create balance and wholeness on a site, geomancers will work with the energetic web of that place. One of the easiest and […]

All of Nature is infused with consciousness – it’s the expression of life. As Jung said, this life-spirit ‘animates the whole cosmos’ and is poured ‘into everything, even into inorganic matter’ (Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections). In Nature, this consciousness is expressed as Devas, Elementals and Nature Spirits, who build, […]

I’ve been revisiting some of my books about peoples’ experiences of working with devas and nature spirits in their gardens. I love this passage from The Magic of Findhorn: Perhaps communication with plants isn’t quite so far out as we imagine. The rash of research and literature into the field […]

‘Every flower has its fairy, every tree its spirit. Every woods has its Lady of the Woods. The world is filled with spirits and energies that play upon us and dance about us daily.’ Ted Andrews Join us at our ‘Elementals and Nature Spirits’ workshop in May to journey into […]

This is a photo of the ‘lake’ near our house. Everything is so, so dry this summer in Victoria, and the beautiful expanse of water near us dried up at the start of the year. Today we gave up the wait for rain and had to get water trucked in […]

Around Beltane, when veils between worlds are thin, it’s easier to make contact with spirits, elementals, nature spirits and those in other realms. I took some photos at Beltane this year, while we were walking our labyrinth at night, and these spirits made themselves known by showing in some of […]

While outdoors in the warmer months keep an eye out for an Odin stone (also known as ‘holey’ or ‘hag’ stones). Created by water rushing through them in the ocean over thousands of years, these stones have naturally occurring holes that are created with perfection which could only hope to be created […]