Around Beltane, when veils between worlds are thin, it’s easier to make contact with spirits, elementals, nature spirits and those in other realms. I took some photos at Beltane this year, while we were walking our labyrinth at night, and these spirits made themselves known by showing in some of […]

As the time of flowers, it’s always great to make flower essences around Beltane. This morning I woke early to the sound of heavy rain: perfect timing to make the hawthorn flower essence I’ve been wanting to make while the bushes are in bloom. Hawthorn blossoms at the beginning of […]

As the wheel turns, here in the Southern Hemisphere we celebrate the Love Festival: Beltane. It’s the start of our summer months and a time of sexuality and fertility, life and maturation – a time of celebration, feasting and joy. The energy about is very yang, on its way to […]

Two crows have dropped sticks on my head at different times over the last week. They’re obviously busy making their nests before spring, but I think there’s more to it. Initially I didn’t slow down and pay much attention to this message, but yesterday morning a true murder of crows […]