new intentions for 2019It’s the first day of 2019, a time of new beginnings and a reset of energy for the new year. The start of a new year is always a great time to smudge – smudge yourself and others, smudge your home, smudge your workplace! It’s a great way to help release old energies and to make space for the new. So set your intentions for the year, welcome in the new and get smudging! 🔥

In numerology, 2019 is a 3 year (2+0+1+9=12 and 1+2=3). The number 3 energetically vibrates with creativity, expression, joy and emotional sensitivity – it should be a great year for creative self-expression.

For so many people 2018 was a very demanding year – but it was also a year of opportunity and growth. We were personally challenged to confront areas in our lives that were holding us back from being our true selves, including relationships and patterns we’d outgrown. Now we’re clearer about our selves, it’s time to write a new story, to shine as your true self.

Astrology suggests that in 2019 there will be many challenges to us collectively, and for those of us with a positive view of how humanity will evolve it’ll be an important time to be of service to the world. Use what you’ve learnt about yourself and your path in 2018 to benefit all in 2019. Join together and walk your true path. Add your energy to the collective light, find your area of service or root yourself more fully in the one you’re already a part of.

Let’s get clear, shine and start the ride of 2019!