Geomancy Australia Imbolc??? As the wheel turns the Sun grows stronger, and in the Southern Hemisphere today we celebrate Imbolc, or the Quickening. There are signs everywhere that the Earth, plants and animals are waking from a wintry slumber and spring is on its way – daffodils and jonquils are starting to bloom and new buds are forming on the trees. New life is stirring.
Imbolc is a celebration of the end of winter and of reawakening; it is a time of transformation and change. Now is the time to ‘plant’ the seeds of our plans that came to us through winter (literally and symbolically) and encourage them grow.
Imbolc is a time for clearing out the past and looking to the future. It’s the perfect time to start preparing your garden for the coming growing period, and for clearing your home, making room to allow new energies to come in.
Earth energies become very active now, so it’s a great time to get out and do some earth acupuncture or to seek out a sweet spot to enjoy – or just get outside and feel the energy of new life and greet the awakening dryads and nature spirits.
This year Imbolc falls immediately after the intense eclipse and micro full moon, and when we have 6 planets in retrograde. The huge release many of us have felt over the last week or so will be supported by the new energy growing outside and hopefully encourage some new movements forward. Happy Imbolc, everyone! ?